APRIL 2013 – Madrid
Ruimtestan took place within a virtual space and a physical space in Madrid.
Organized by “espacio Pool”, three pairs of artists from Amsterdam-Madrid rebuild the history of the pond which is located at the Campus de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, based on fake documents.
The existence of the pond at the college is a mystery to solve, a research that concludes being harder than it seems from a first moment on. Digging into its origin we found very few informative facts. Where is the origin and where is the argumentation for this pond construction come from? Our proposal consists of the reconstruction of its history with fictitious documents.
EMBODIED REFLECTIONS // Esther Verhamme and Diego Delas
An exploration of space and time displayed as a non linear layered story about mapping, communication and movement. Where the pools are considered as a possible communication tool for travelling to other dimensions through the movement of bodies.
The means we had for collaboration during this creation process formed the base of this concept: Two different locations and one screen/portal/common language in which the creation of this work took place.
the pool in Amsterdam – one end of the communication portal