Category Archives: events


Intervention in public space [...]

Açik | Open

2nd july - 9th of August "I feel a distance between us" at MauMau gallery in Istanbul [...]

de salon #7 _ Sunday Movie Festival

02/03/2014 another edition of de salon @ Fontrodona Artspace. Come show your movie! More information on [...]

de salon. #6

26/01/2014 15.00 - 20.00
Eelco Wagenaar and me will continue organizing de salon in 2014 at a new location: Fontrodona Artspace [...]


17/01/2014 - 31/01/2014
Opening 17th of January between 17.00 and 22.00 @ Fontrodona Artspace [...]

If daily life hasn’t killed me yet the new year won’t

24/12/2013 - 24/01/2014
Group exhibition maumau Istanbul [...]
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